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Showing posts from September, 2007

不知是誰說過粥跟粿條湯是給生病人吃的﹐我說人健康才應該吃﹐這樣才能吃出粥的美味。圖中的皮蛋粥和豬腸粥就是我的最愛。MACALISTER ROAD 有一檔賣豬腸粥超好吃的﹐老闆毫不吝嗇的加料﹐非常有看頭。
新拖鞋 新球鞋


蝦仁蘿蔔糕 - RM18.00 我極力推介這道菜﹐類似路邊擔的炒粿角﹐不過味道很好 木須肉炒拉面- RM12.00 在寫此篇 的時候我 還沒吃﹐因為太飽了﹐吃不下﹐所以留明天當午餐 上海 炒年糕點- RM12.00 如果你腸胃不好﹐最好不要點這一道菜﹐很嫩 ﹐咬不斷﹐而且很難消化 海鮮拉面- RM18.00 友人點這道菜﹐評語非常差﹐配料不新鮮﹐湯頭不美味 蠔皇炒什菌- RM18.00 就是蠔油炒菌類菰﹐我受不了蠔油的味道﹐而且它的蒜頭 炒的 有的焦﹐不 推介 此道 菜 p/s: 獨缺上海小籠包﹐因為上菜的時候﹐肚子太餓了﹐沒來得及拍就吃光了﹐不過味道可是不賴﹐一定要叫一籠試試。(RM8.00)


意外發現大馬國產車GEN2 在台灣馬路奔馳 。 風力發電 周末全家到八里騎腳踏車 放松心情 多點接觸大自然


鳳梨酥﹕ 甜而不膩 宜蘭特產 ﹕牛舌餅 各式古早味精餅﹐包裝非常精美﹐味道也不賴。只是包裝太美﹐不捨得打開來吃。 九份芋頭湯 圓。非常有嚼 阿媽的酸梅湯 。

Penang TARC Alumni Dinner 2007

Dear fellow Tarcians,Welcome back to the college! We would like to invite you to the first ever TARC Alumni Dinner. TARC lecturers, staff, ex-Tarcians, both seniors and juniors and their respective spouses and partners are all welcomed. Imagine catching up with old friends and meeting up new ones. Get in touch again with your fellow Tarcians for business, leisure or other mutual interests. At the time this email was sent out, we have received encouraging response from ex-Tarcians with some of them travelling from as far from Kuala Lumpur and even Singapore to attend this reunion dinner. We need your assistance to make this an even more successful and memorable event by inviting as many friends as you can. Kindly contact every Tarcian in your phone book and disseminate this information to them. Let's make this a great event!!! Edmund Tan Wei Hong President Penang Tarcian Association (PETA) Details for the dinner are as follows: Date : Saturday, ...