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Showing posts from October, 2007

Honey, I am home.

After struggling for some time, I decided to make a move, again. I had try my best, and leave God do the rest. I am going back to my previous com, but this time with different role. This is my shortest working period in my entire life. I am not blaming anyone or anything for this, at least I had try my best, to serve my best support to the company, but things just doesn't go along the way I want it. Perhaps I am not belongs there. I have to continue the journey in another milestone.


整個周末渾渾噩噩﹐沒方向﹐沒目標﹐如行尸走肉﹐上網似乎是唯一的活動。我好像跟這個社會脫了節﹐不想跟別人接觸﹐玩自閉﹐這跟我的工作是不對稱的。我時常問自己﹐活著的意義是什么。每天就是工作﹐除了工作還是工作。工作對我的意義又是什么﹖換了不少工﹐越換越糟﹐是自己不能調整心理﹐還是大勢環境確是如此﹖是命運做弄我﹐還是我自找麻煩﹖好納悶 以為參加社團可以醫治我的“自閉症” ﹐但是兩年以來﹐情況沒差﹐時好時壞﹐情緒病還是牢牢伴著我。毛病發作時還會揭底斯理吶喊﹐內心痛苦的死去活來。是不是都市人都會有情緒病態﹖ 我生病了﹐我要看醫生﹐但是醫生能治好我嗎﹖

Mommy Wang's Menu

如果自備餐具﹐還有50仙折扣。 虎咬豬 RM3。00 - 這塊豬可是三層肥豬肉﹐有的膩 。 蛋餅(原味)RM2。30 - 外層是面粉﹐第二層是蛋皮﹐包著生菜﹐沾點辣椒醬﹐味道還不賴。 魚排飯 RM5。00 - 特色是配菜較多﹐魚排有別與一般的炸魚排﹐魚肉比較札實﹐酥酥的。

With my angels...1st time we wear new uniform.

28-Sept-2007 at Meerkat Plant M2

Sake Sushi

Seafood teppanyaki setRM24.90 *Inclusive miso soup and rice 份量超小,食量大的人肯定不够满足。 Potato Salad - RM5。90 不够候,再叫一客沙律,味道略为淡,不过可足以满足食欲。

Egg & Toast breakfast

Egg & Toast Restaurant, Bandar Sunway 8am till 7.30pm Breakfast set - RM6.90 ** Free Wi-Fi 非常丰富的早餐,开始新的一天。