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Showing posts from December, 2007

Happy Birthday to me ..!! :P

Merry Christmas...hehehe.....hahaha....

My 2007 X'mas cum birthday present - Snoopy & Baby-G.


昨天已成为历史,明天则遥不可知,而今天是一个礼物,所以英文把现在称为PRESENT。(PRESENT别意为礼物) 请珍惜你所拥有的美好时光,特别是你可以和一些值得付出的人来分享这些时光。 别忘了时间不等人。

Makan makan trip at Nibong Tebal

在高渊大树下,有卖海鲜粥,其海鲜新鲜无比。尤其是海鲜粥,更是招牌菜。我们4大一小,点了4款菜,加4杯水,RM20有得找。简直是超便宜。 海鲜东炎汤 □ 条汤 田鸡粥 还有另外一个选择。 八爪鱼 螃蟹粥 在高渊大街,有一间璋记饭店,最出名的是螃蟹粥。料足,味道浓,而且又便宜。如果你想吃海鲜,不妨到这里。不过要有心里准备,要等很久。我们等了将近30分钟,才上第一道菜。好吃的东西等了也值得。

Nibong Tebal Firefly Watching

Jetty On the boat to see firefly If you want to see firefly at Nibong Tebal, it is adviseable you call to make booking. The ticket is RM12 (for adult) RM10 (for student). The PIC told us by next year the ticket fare will increase due to petrol harga naik. The trip is around 50 minutes. Unfortunately, we can't see octopus in this trip. Apparently December is not suitable time for Octopus watching. My friend told me compare to Kuala Selangor, the amount of firefly in Nibong Tebal is much lesser. Nevertheless, we still can enjoy the nature and nice scenary of Sungai Kerian. Facts of firefly:- The firefly stay at Pokok Pelembang. They don't stay at pokok Atap. There are over 3K species of firefly. Firefly use the "light" to search for their partner. 当公的找到母的,双双就会回家关灯睡觉。所以要看萤火虫就要乘早。

Pandan Egg Tart

Pandan Egg Tart, RM1.00/ea. Amigo Bakery @ Jln Tengah, Bayan Baru, Penang. Believe me, one is not enough. Once you bite it, definitely you will ask for more. The aroma is so smell good, till you can't resist it. Its different with Portuguese Egg Tart or ordinary egg tart you get somewhere else. Not only smell good, the taste is so soft, so yummy. (写到这里我开始流口水了)。


所谓三八政策就是 每天睡八小时,工作八小时,还有八小时谈谈恋爱,学学东西。 身体越来越胖,心胸越来越小, 娱乐越来越多,快乐越来越少, 发言越来越多,真话越来越少, 活动越来越多,运动越来越少, 钞票越来越多,亲情越来越少, 权势越来越高,威望越来越小 ,

01 Dec 2007 StarCity Hotel Alor Star

Attend JCI Alor Star Inauguration & 1st installation night


一个人成就大小,往往取决于所遇到的困难程度,竖立在你面前的栏杆越高,你就跳得越高。-台湾医生兼作家何权峰 不成功就种种都是问题,成功就不再是问题。-香港著名经理人黄柏高PACO

Hatyai trip - 23 ~ 24 Nov 07

In a tut-tut...on the way to market for shopping. (fare is 15 baht per head count, for 0 ~ 3 KM) IF you are a shopping lover, this is must-come place. Remember, you MUST bargain before you buy. Can't recall what is the name of this food...?? This is the hotel I stayed. There are a lot of walking-distance shopping malls around this area.