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Showing posts from June, 2007




今天拿到MEERKAT第一份薪水啦﹐慣例會買一份有紀念價值的禮物送自己當作獎勵。這一次決定買手機﹐而且還是SONY ERICSSON的牌子。公司有給手機SIM卡不過沒有給手機﹐所以決定買一架。


As a superior, job interview is part of my job scope. Today I invite my boss to interview a candidate. The whole session took about 30 minutes, my boss did the 80% talking, myself 10% and the candidate 10%. I wonder how my boss determine the candidate is the right person, if he did the 80% talking. He explained what are his expectation, what problem he is facing, what's his road map etc., but he didn't ask much about the candidate. After the interview, he somemore asked me what do I think. Seriously, I can't give much comment, because I talked as little as the candidate. My past experience told me, even the interview session take more than 1 hour, the process will only give you 50% accuracy on the judgement. First image is the most crucial point. Then your presentation skill, how you present yourself in professional way is the scoring criteria whether you win the interviewer attraction or not. Your past experience and your qualification work as "decorative" to pr...


有朋自遠方來﹐沒什么好去處﹐帶她到TAMAN BANDAR BARU的韓式料理店﹕KANGNARU。 首選的就是泡菜湯﹐裡面包羅萬有﹐有泡菜﹐年糕﹐冬粉﹐豆腐。不過不能吃辣的最好避而遠之﹐不然隔天OUTPUT就知道辣味了。再來一客PORK BELLY﹐服務生會幫顧客燒烤﹐烤好之後﹐用生菜或紫蘇葉包著﹐加些辣椒﹐蒜頭﹐韓式醬料﹐整個送進口裡﹐讚﹗大家還嫌不夠喉﹐再點一客海鮮PANCAKE。薄薄一片粉皮﹐裡頭有蔥﹐剁碎的魚肉﹐尤魚﹐沾點醬油﹐味道還蠻不錯。韓式料理會有7種前菜﹐而且是FREE-FLOW的﹐不管你點多少樣菜。朋友說這裡的料理還蠻有媽媽的味道﹐最值得一提的是價格公道﹐絕對超值﹐抵到不得了。

Blood donation

Date: 10 June 2007 Time: 2pm Venue: Centre Point, SP Organizer: Pertubuhan Penderma Darah Sungai Petani web: This is my fifth time donate blood. Never came across such experience. Attached picture is self-explained.

First day in Meerkat

上司不易做﹗第一天上班我還搞不清什么狀況 ﹐就已經要處理下屬的投訴﹐我上司也夠行的﹐居然要我獨自處理事情﹐還要我CHAIR MEETING﹐拜託﹐我連誰是誰都還不知道﹐他真的以為我是萬能的。 情況沒有比我想象來的糟﹐不過也好不到那裡去﹐最主要的還是人事問題﹐而且是同部門的﹐這才是最棘手的問題。哎 即來之則安之﹐還是想想辦法去“享受”成名之後帶來的“後果”。

Last day in Lemtronics

Huh...finally, this day has come. After working 409 days in Lemtronics, I had ended my 4th career by today. Its a short journey, but full with memories. There is no tears, only laugh and cheer-up. The most valuable "asset" I gain is I get-to-know 3 lovely colleagues, who used to be my listener, my image consultant, my lunch partner, my karaoke gang... I am sure I am gonna miss them wherever I go. They will stay in my heart, forever. Thank you girls, for sharing this journey with me.