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Showing posts from March, 2013

Communication vs Talking

This is just my personal opinion without any proper survey. I wrote this base on my observation to people surround me.  What is communication?  Communication is the process of conveying a message or meaning to establish a shared understanding to others.  Communication requires a sender, a  message , and a recipient.   If without one of these elements, then what are they? I would call them as talking, or deliver speech. There is only one way transmition signal, irregardless the receivers accept the message or not. Many times I came across in my organization, there are too many love-to-talk people, but they are not love-to-listen . They would just talk and talk and talk, they don't care whether opposite party is listening to them or not. That I call communication failure. Worse still more than one person were talking at same time, with high pitch tone. Arrhh...this is totally mental torture. I think they lost control over their mouth, or their brain ca...


2011 年3月11日 下午2点50分,日本发生9.0级大地震,我弟人在日本。原本几天过后我妈和我哥要出发去日本参加他的毕业典礼,结果当然去不成。 发生地震后的几小时电话联络不上我弟,因为地震摧毁了基本设施。家人都非常着急。还好,网络还可以用,结果用skype跟我弟联络上了。 发生灾难过后我弟大学没有替他们举办毕业典礼,他们是去办公室领了毕业证书就酱毕业了。我弟还继续留在当地。过后断断续续日本有发生小规模的地震,对当地人来说是见惯不怪的事情,但对我们来说,却是不可思议。 去年我弟回国了,昨天我们还一起在槟岛骑脚车,环绕市区玩一遍。我是想说,我们活在没有天灾的国度里应该感恩我们所拥有的东西。虽然我们有稀土,对这人为灾害不需要感恩,我相信,要把它弄消失是指日可待的事情。只要我们坚持相信,美好的一天终归会来。 不知道哪个猪头写在报章,说什么独家新闻,有人会在311这天宣布解散国会,结果 没宣布解散 国会,反而宣布一连串的公务员好消息。5年前的308政治大海啸没把这些公害冲走,今年311 也没发生什么“独家”事情。今年的某一天一定会发生“改变” 的(歹志), Just the matter of time,  这个不用紫微斗数都能算出来。 我们就拭目以待。