我们到达的第一餐就是去吃 Bánh Mì, 类似法式三文治。馅料可以很fusion, 有猪肉,鸡肉,蔬菜,坐在路边的小凳子,边吃边看帅哥,很饱肚 。 我们吃的最多次的就是Bún chả, 此道菜就好像我们在大马吃卤面 那么普遍。根据餐牌写的介绍, Bún chả - Grilled pork, a classic Hanoi dish, grilled pork patties in a Vietnamese dipping sauce with pickled green papaya and carrots, served with fresh vermicelli rice and a salad of mixed lettuce leaves and herbs. 另一道非吃不可是就是 Chả Cá,普通餐厅里都可以看到这道菜。 Chả Cá - Vietnamese style fish with Turmeric and dill - grilled turmeric and dill marinated seabass fillets, served on a hot stone with dill, spring onions, fresh rice noodles, lettuce, herbs and a fish sauce dressing. 越南咖啡 产量仅次于巴西,目前是世界上 第二大咖啡出口 国,越南独特的喝咖啡方式相信大家都有见识过。 越南有自家品牌的啤酒,气没那么多,味道比较淡。价钱是大约VND20,000, 跟汽水的价钱没差。