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Showing posts from May, 2007



MOCHA (Made in Vietnam)

Jacqueline 送我一包在越南買的MOCHA 咖啡粉﹐還附送一個“咖啡器”。我只喝過一次越南咖啡﹐印象深刻是它的“獨自”的咖啡器。把咖啡粉放進﹐再加熱水﹐然後放在杯子上﹐讓它慢慢的把咖啡精華滴進杯子裡。一個如此的SIZE﹐得等大慨十分鐘左右才滴完﹐在加上自己口味的奶精和糖﹐一杯香噴噴的咖啡就READY了 。

Farewell dinner

作天同事們幫我搞了個FAREWELL PARTY﹐人數少少﹐符合我低調的作風。我們是第一個顧客。點菜的時候已經有少許的失控﹐大家七嘴八舌的﹐到開始唱卡拉OK的時候更糟糕﹐隔壁桌的顧客想必是定不順我們的興奮﹐搬出外面桌。吃飽了﹐開始有餘興節目﹐那就是猜底褲的顏色。哇塞﹐還有人下注打賭﹐個個都開始掏腰包下注﹐SIAO LIAO。 玩的有點瘋狂﹐(干杯的時候還把人家的酒杯敲破了) 不過我喜歡。那種什么都不用想﹐把煩惱拋駐腦後﹐痛快的喝一杯﹐爽﹗ THANK YOU EVERYONE﹐I am gonna miss you all.




起初我只是打算去拜拜而已﹐誰知還是躲不掉﹐被師父“請”去就座。還是老話一句 把老夫子眼鏡換掉 要控制脾氣 姻緣 (在此保密) 胃漲風 (其實是最近減肥引起的) 避免參加喪事 還在我的右手劃了佛字﹐說是幫我增強姻緣。哎呀﹐有這 麼簡單嗎﹐那天地下就沒有單身貴族嘍。就算是上了一課心理輔導課程吧﹐阿Q精神﹐自我安慰﹐我的真命天子快要出現了。神啊﹐保祐我吧。 P/S 師父還在我的左手寫了些號碼﹐與有緣人結善緣。


前陣子某報紙爭論著﹐”老媽子“一詞是不恰當稱呼母親的。我倒是沒覺得什么不妥﹐畢竟這稱呼已套在我媽身上很多很多年了。如果是不敬的意思﹐我媽老早就糾正我們了。 話說回來﹐我記不起從幾時開始﹐每年的媽媽節﹐生日或是什么大節日﹐我都習慣去買一個補品禮藍送我媽。畢竟我媽是非常節儉的“當家” ﹐ 很少會自己買補品替自己補補身體的。買了之後﹐還要時常提醒她記得吃﹐不然那禮籃肯定變成裝飾品。可能是廣告賣的好﹐我想借禮籃來表達我感恩的心。畢竟東方人還是寒蓄一點﹐表達愛意的方式比較“收斂”。雖然我沒有親自開口說﹐但是﹐老媽子﹐我愛你﹐你是我的SUPERSTAR﹗

JCI Pearl Children Playcamp 19

一年一度的儿童生活營正式開鑼。珍珠國際女青年商會正召集人馬﹐歡迎志願者成為委員。詳情如下 22 JULY 2007 (SUNDAY) Fort Cornwallis Objective: To provide an education and the recreational programme for the children To train and motivate children to become effective and efficient leaders in future. To create an awareness of the future of children as the society progress towards Vision 2020. To inculcate a sense of racial harmony amongst children to get them prepare for a harmonious future in our multi-racial country. To guide our children to understand the sense of co-operation, team work and togetherness in this multi-cultural society, in building a strong yet versatile country. To cultivate and develop positive mental attitude to cope with the changing society. To instill good moral values as well as building self-confidence in children in facing the volatility in the society. To get exposure in interaction via teamwork with the aim of building self-confidence and team spirit. 說了那麼多﹐心動了吧﹐那就快快行動咯。你可以發電郵至 索取詳情。

Terrible lunch

I never had such terrible experience for having lunch outside. The restaurant is located in Sunway Tunas, once upon time well known for 臘味dishes. I guess they had changed the owner, I can't find any roasted meal on the menu. Anyway, I chose 麻辣雞面. That time it wasn't many customer, only 3 tables being occupied. My the other two friends chose curry rice and tomyam chicken soup + rice. First dish served was curry rice, it really smell good. Second one tomyam chicken soup. This one really bad, my friend couldn't taste any tomyam, only taste sour. And the last one, the most terrible one, was my o rder, 麻辣雞面. The mee was overcooked, till "lembik", not only this, I was just half completed my lunch, suddenly I feel something "weird" inside my mouth. I threw out the meat, and I found the chicken is RAW !!! Later on, my friend who were having tomyam also found the same thing. The worst part is when we showed the raw meat to the tauke-so, she just "噢" a...