Yesterday feel not well, little sore throat and fever, unfortunately, doctor didn't granted medical leave for these "minor" illness. Today woke up at 8am, didn't feel wanted go to work, so decided to apply leave so that can rest at home. This evening I attended a forex class briefing. Right after the briefing I had signed up the course. I am sick with never-stop making noisy neighbors!! I am sick with working life, especially this unreasonable and stingy employer and colleagues. I am sick with fixed-robotic schedule. I am sick to search an affordable property. I am sick to listen to others' command and comment !! I want to achieve financial freedom ! I want to buy my dream house !! I want to realize my traveling plan !!! I want to retire early !!! I want to take apply leave as and when I like, no need anyone else approval !!! I am full of "negative" energy now. I want to discharge all these and recharge with positive one. The most effective is money mon...