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Showing posts from July, 2013

Secret Gardens of Earthly Delights

Ten sites, ten artists, ten gardens: this unique GTF2013 project is a secret waiting to be discovered! Working closely with gardeners, landscape and installation artists, and with the support of the City Council and Think City’s cultural mapping grant, this astounding and mind-bending site-specific projects is GTF’s second venture into public installations that capture the spirit and living heritage known to Penang and George Town. Theatre of Ships by Joko Avianto Location: MPPP Town Hall The first is  sin hi tai  or ‘new theatre’ which refers to the public gathering place for recreation and performance. The second is taken from the physical location of the work — George Town, at the northeastern tip of the island. Historically, Penang is a cultural melting pot due to its strategic position as a maritime trading hub. The diversity of this influence has created a rich history that has become one of the island’s most defining characteristics. Taking the struct...

101 lost kittens

101 Lost Kittens is a project by a group of artists working to install a dozen street art at various points within the Georgetown UNESCO World Heritage Site.  The idea behind 101 Lost Kittens is to create more awareness over the issue of helping find homes for stray animals. The 101 Lost Kittens project endeavors to help stray animals by generating interest through mural hunting. The following are the murals that have been painted so far. 1. Skippy to Penang for animal awareness, and giant rat.  Skippy or in full Skippy comes to Penang or Giant Cat mural is one the murals being painted to create awareness of the need to protect animals and get people to foster a love to pets. The giant rat mural  was created by an anonymous artist but both can be viewed together as one, showing that these two are almost eyeing on each other.  2. Love me like your fortune cat   The fortune cat mural depicts a cat gazing at a group of fort...


查江山 左金山,右银山 – 查江山不是检视你的财富,而是你个人整体的运势。然而不是每个人都可以随意查,你必须是 33 岁以上才可以,(有些说是 30 岁,有些说是 32 岁)还有理江山一世人只可以办一次,之后就不许再查了。 如果你要登记查江山,首先所需要的资料就是你的生辰八字和住址 (要中文的哟)。在特定的日子去到庵堂,乩童起乩的时候,神明会检视你的江山,然后告诉你你的江山有啥,缺少了啥,并且会一一记录在你的江山帖,神明会想办法帮你一一解困,然而,并不是每样事情都能化解,一切看天命。整个过程需时三年才算完整,不能半途而废。然而,并不是每一个人需要每年都去,神明自有分晓。 查江山不是一整年都有提供的服务,需与庵堂查证几时开放登记。名额有限。 理江山 查了江山之后,神明会列出信众所准备的材料,再另选日子帮你做法事,把你所缺的或不好的业障一一化解。材料的清单多寡就视乎你个人了。有些材料还真的不好找,有钱也未必买得到。 植物方面有芋头树,香蕉树,葡萄树,甘蔗树,杨桃树,各式各类的蔬菜,红花树,富贵花, 野草等等。记得,所有的植物都要连根整棵带去。 动物方面有各式的鸟类比如麻雀,鸽子,公鸡,鹅,鸭,老鼠,蜻蜓,鲤鱼,土虱鱼,蝴蝶,蚱蜢,等等。 粮食类就有素菜材料,米,油,草菇,等等。 还有一些材料比如红布,砖头,木材,井水,药煲,玻璃瓶,雨伞,金银纸等等。 如果你不明白所需准备的材料是啥,最好请教庵里的乩童或弟子,不然搞错了,还会被神明责备一番。我看过一位信徒,神明指示准备野草,他却带去了一根快枯死的野草,结果神明大发雷霆。整么大片的草场,难道不能找到几棵比较像样的野草吗? 乩童会列出你所需要准备的材料,在理江山当天全部带去。神明会逐个逐个叫信徒到案前,信徒需把所有材料都呈上,神明会替信徒逐一化解,有些要放生, 有些 要拿回家种的, 有些 要打破的,整个过程费时不到十分钟,一轮大概有三十几位。每一轮结束后,神明会率领众信徒绕神庙几圈,拜拜之后才算结束。 但由于信徒众多,要排队轮流等候,那可费时了,等两三个小时一点都不稀奇。 如是重覆至三年之后,神明检查了你的江山,就会把江山门关起来,从此信徒就不可再请示神明再次开启江山门查江山了。 理江山不是一整年都有提供的服务,一...