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Showing posts from April, 2007


今天午餐外出。逛到I-AVENUE﹐發現那邊又有新開張的食店。選了一間看起來滿有架勢的食店>>夏日小食。 餐牌有非常多的選擇﹐主要離不開粥飯面之類的。不懂如何選擇﹐就點餐牌上的第一道料理>泰式雞肉淋飯。 端上來的﹐看似”台“式肉燥飯﹐有肉絲﹐肉燥﹐煎蛋。味道適中﹐不膩。肉燥配上白飯﹐吃起來味道 剛剛好。 業者也在飲品大做文章﹐有流星雨﹐淑女的眼淚﹐ 還有其他創意的名子﹐ 其 價錢也非彼尋常﹐快接近一碗飯的價錢。 如果午餐吃厭了ABC套餐﹐可選擇I-AVENUE﹐會有意想不到的發現 。 Thai Chicken Gravy: RM7.90 流星雨: RM6.90

Pucha - Stuffed Crab Shell

今天興致渤渤﹐到 吃晚餐。發現那裡有好多火鍋店﹐高朋滿座。不過今晚不想吃太heavy, 所以選了一間泰國餐廳﹐名叫Chilli Corner. 從外面看﹐不算有大裝修﹐很朴實的感覺。裡面只有6張桌子。老闆誠意介紹Pucha. 去了那麼多間泰國餐廳﹐從沒試過這道料理﹐就叫了一客。是用螃蟹殼塞滿海鮮肉﹐再煎熟。外層焦黑﹐裡面有蘿蔔粒﹐芫西﹐魚肉﹐蝦肉﹐用湯匙挖著吃。美中不足就是芫西放太多﹐ 蓋過海鮮的味道。還有Tanghoon Black Pepper Prawn 也值得一試。別與一般煮法﹐廚師加了黑胡椒﹐使它更惹味。 一個RM4。00


剛才去SUNSHINE MARKET搜尋晚餐﹐ 無意之中發現了壽桃包﹐也想不起最後一次見到它是幾時了。小時候﹐當大人替長輩慶祝生日的時候﹐總少不了它。平常是很少會買﹐也只有特定的節日才會有販賣。裡面有花生和蓮蓉陷料﹐我特別愛吃花生的﹐喜歡它濃郁的香味。如果有蒸籠﹐稍微蒸熱一下﹐在加一杯濃濃香味的咖啡﹐簡直是 。 每個RM0.60
I am a big instant noodle fan. I never let my stock fall below "safety stock" level. This week I discovered Indofood: Taste of Asia dried noodle. I grabbed 3 different flavours: Singapore Hokkien Style Flavour, China Szechuan Flavour and Hong Kong roasted duck flavour. The taste isn't bad, at least it meets my expectation. China Szechuan Flavour: Kind a spicy and hot. Szechuan food is famous for spicy (麻辣) Those spicy food lover should try. Hong Kong roasted duck flavour: Taste over peppered. Very strong onion smell. Those scare of bad mouth, better don't try this one. Singapore Hokkien Style Flavour: The noodle size is kind a wider compare to traditional one. There are dehydrated mushroom inside t he pa cket. But is there any different between Singapore style hokkien and Penang style hokkien? At least the color can tell the different. There are another two different flavours: Indonesia salted fish flavour Japan chicken teriyaki flavour Tips: Don't overcooked t...
Tomorrow is gonna be my 1st anniversary in Lemtronics, unfortunately, there will not be 2nd anniversary b'cos I am leaving by this June. The only "measurable" gain I have is... WEIGHT!! Yup, I had gain a lot of weight in the past 12 months in Lem. You can see above pictures, OMG !. Lem is really a different EMS I know of, b'cos lesser pressure, can go home on time (even everyday, if you are efficient enough) a planner has to manage many accounts, and yet, the workload is lesser compare to other EMS in FTZ. The price to pay off for this comfort is C&B. Lem's C&B is l e ss competitive in similar industry. No pain, no gain huh... My next destination will be another milestone in my career life. A greater challenge (consider as a promotion, in terms of responsibility), a different role, different industry (from the product it manufacture)... I have to seek back my "ummph" that I lost sometimes ago. Say bye bye to "makan-tidur-main" lif...
Spaghetti. I have a very bad experience in trying one of famous pizza house's Spaghetti. Left side picture is their menu and right side is what I ate this afternoon. The ingredient s are 3 prawns, 6 small slice mush room and of cos, spaghetti ( I would call it mee, rather than spaghetti :P). It tastes very dry, tasteless and the spaghetti is not well cooked. Overall, its a very bad taste spaghetti. Worst part, they charge me v ery expensive for such cheap quality food. Regular RM8.50 / Large RM12.50

My celebrity look-alikes

與各位共勉之.... 有個老魔鬼看到人間的生活過得太幸福了,他說:「我們要去擾亂一下,要不然魔鬼 就不存在了。」 他先派了一個小魔鬼去擾亂一個農夫。因為他看到那農夫每天辛勤地工作,可是所得 卻少得可憐,但他還是那麼快樂,非常知足。 小魔鬼就開始想,要怎樣才能把農夫變壞呢?他就把農夫的田地變得很 硬,讓農夫知難而退。 那農夫敲半天,做得好辛苦,但他只是休息一下,還是繼續敲,沒有一點抱怨。小魔 鬼看到計策失敗,只好摸摸鼻子回去了。 老魔鬼又派了第二個去。第二個小魔鬼想,既然讓他更加辛苦也沒有用,那 就拿走他所擁有的東西吧! 那小魔鬼就把他午餐的麵包跟水偷走,他想,農夫做得那麼辛苦,又累又餓,卻連麵 包跟水都不見了,這下子他一定會暴跳如雷! 農夫又渴又餓地到樹下休息,想不到麵包跟水都不見了!「不曉得是哪個可 憐的人比我更需要那塊麵包跟水? 如果這些東西就能讓他得溫飽的話,那就好了。」又失敗了,小魔鬼又棄甲而逃。 老魔鬼覺得奇怪,難道沒有任何辦法能使這農夫變壞?就在這時第三個小魔 鬼出來了。 他對老魔鬼講:「我有辦法,一定能把他變壞。」 小...
Last Sunday I attended a seminar, host by JCI BM. The speaker is LKT CEO Dato' Vincent Loh Khee Lian. If you think LKT is his father's name (Loh Kim Teow), then you are absolutely wrong. L = Leadership; K = Knowledge; T = Technology. These are core values that required for a technology-based company. When he form this company, he vision that if one day his company was taking over by someone else, at least the company name can be remain, since it carry such important corporate image. # Knowing WHAT to do is important, knowing HOW to do is key. # Actually doing it, is success. # Struggle with good course. # You cannot run away from problem and responsibility. The moment you run off, you are a loser. # Subject yourself to a bigger character, be a team player and competitive in your organization.