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Showing posts from August, 2010


1. 早上看国庆日节庆直播,电视台的主持人说谁七早八早起来看国庆日节庆直播就是爱国了(那就是我咯!),他们主持人七早八早起来主持国庆日节庆直播也算是爱国了。原来爱国是那么简单,早点起来看电视就已经是爱国了。 2. 真搞不懂,每逢什么大节日,电视台老是播一些什么颁奖典礼,有些还是前几年的颁奖典礼,有那么精彩吗?就是颁奖嘉宾在台上讲烂gag, 然后领奖者说一堆致谢词,好看嘜? 3. 我还算爱国,但不知道国家爱我吗?我自问年年缴足所得税,门牌税,么么税,但为什么到现在还能看见垃圾没倒的新闻?而且短短一个月不止一次上报,看了都伤心,为什么我的老家有一个整天不倒垃圾的政府?我问你爱我有多深,你爱我有几分?

How to use cooking oil to make soap

之前去了居林青商会主办的一个环保活动,学了如何用厨房用剩的油做肥皂。这肥皂是适合用在清洗厨房的油污迹。我觉得还满很好的知识,以油去油,好过倒入水沟,阻塞渠道不已,还破坏环境。请大家帮帮忙,对我们的大地母亲做一点点贡献。 从餐馆收集回来的食用油,还分Halal 和 non halal。 First, filter the cooking oil, get 1 liter of it and put aside. 首先把积存的一公升食用油过滤,把油渣和杂物分隔。 Get 120g of "caustic soda" and add into 1 liter of water. Sitr it until dilute.  During stirring, the liquid will release gas and heat. Ensure this process is done at open space. Leave it for 15 minutes.   Take note this soda is very acidic, and is government control item. 准备120克苛性钠,加入一公升水,搅拌至溶解。当搅拌时, 苛性钠会释放热和有毒气体,所以要在室外进行。搅拌之后放着15分钟。 苛性钠有腐蚀性,所以要带手套,而且要小心处理。 After 15 minutes, mix the soda water into the cooking oil. Stir the mixture clockwise until it looks like "kaya。 15分钟之后,把 苛性钠水加入已过滤的油,继续搅拌至成浓稠状。 Final step, pour the cooking into mold, make sure fill p 1/3 of the mold only so that easier to take off from the mold later. Leave it for 3 months at open space before it can be used. 最后倒入模子里,放着3个月,就可以取出使用了。要注意的是不要注入太满,以便取出,还有最好放在空...

又是诈骗集团 !

今天早上我在忙到天昏地暗,手提电话响起,电话号码是KL的,以为又是什么保险还是银行打来促销产品。我一接那电话,对方先静了一阵子,我一直在哈罗,突然一把男声,先念我的英文全名,然后用华裔式马来语说自己是Bukit Aman 打来的。我一听到Bukit Aman ,就打断他的话,直接骂他 “f*ck you, jangan tipu lah”然后就挂断电话。 想想自己也太冲动,在办公室骂粗话,真失仪态。话说回来,这些诈骗集团还真的够耐力,那么久了还用同一招。也难怪,时不时报纸有报导还是有人中招,所以诈骗集团屡试“很”爽。 我只是很闷,是谁出卖我,把我的电话号码卖给这些骗子?

Moisture vs Humid

If you are working in electronics manufacturing industry, you might hear “moisture” and “humidity” before. “PCB warpage due to moisture trapped inside” “ This is moisture sensitive device (MSD )” “The storage condition must be in minimum humidity environment”. “ Supplier must include humidity indicator card in the package”. But is there any different between moisture and humid? 我突发奇想,去谷歌翻译这两个英文字,得到的结果都是“湿度”。有谁可以用最简短的方法解释如何应用这两个英文字?

MPSP, are you there? 双溪大年市政府,你还在吗?

我还没到家,一转弯,先看到的竟是一大堆垃圾。坐在老家,被一阵阵臭味熏得我头痛,吃饭的时候苍蝇也特别多。我实在不能再忍,拍了照片,真想问双溪大年市政府是盲了,聋了还是tidak apa. 我妈说已经快一个礼拜了没人来清理,太满的时候,对面的马来邻居晚上的时候就会放火烧 (我真的看过,半夜烧垃圾,火势太大,还劳动义务消防队来灭火) 连报纸都刊新闻了,市政府还是不闻不问。拜托官大爷,还我们人民清洁家园可以吗?你连这最基本的生活条件都不能给予我们保障,实在有够扯的。老是催我们还门牌税,除了这你就不能有别的作为吗? 不管是 陈暐树 还是 陈楚江,请你听听双溪大年人民的心声可以吗,我们实在bei tahan 了。

Another sad story of Malaysia public services

On 19/June/2010, I went to Kedai Telekom to terminate my streamyx subscription. The officer told me the termination service will take effective 14 days. If any balance amount, they will post a cheque to me. One week later, Telekom sent a bill to my previous address, charged me full amount of the subscription fee. On 12/July/2010, I moved out from previous house, that time I still can login via streamyx. Last week Telekom sent another bill to my previous address, the bill dated 22/July/2010, to inform me refund the deposit, but the amount is only less than 50% of it. Few days ago Telekom appointed agent send the cheque to my previous address. The entire process took about 6 weeks, not 14 days. If you plan to move to other place and want to terminate your streamyx subscription, plan and do it earlier. Telekom just created another frustration customer, that's me !!

Malaysia broadband comparison

After I move to my new house, I had terminated streamyx subscription. Initially I plan to subscribe Penang Fon, unfortunately, there is no service at my condo yet. So I opt for broadband as short term solution. Last Sunday I went to Giant Hypermaerket Bayan Baru to register for broadband service. At first I registered with C brand at 4.30pm, the sales man said the registration can be done at 8pm, asked me to return by that time for collection. After that I went to D brand counter, just to find out more. When I returned to C brand counter on 8.30pm, the lousy salesman said the modem was not available yet, said he will deliver to me afterwards. That time I have had bad feeling, within 5 minutes, I decided to register D brand as well ( I know its crazy, but I was getting frustrated). After that, the tragedy continue happen for C brand, the lousy sales man keep on give empty promise, besok lusa, all sort of execuses, never deliver what they committed. Believe me, price is not ever...